Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the 30's.....

Yes, that's where my age falls....but more importantly, it's also the number of layouts that I discovered in my heaping pile that I've never taken photos of and/or posted!  Craziness.  I've got them all photographed now and a few edited so I'll start sharing.  Here's some of my most recent:

I've used some "oldies but goodies" supplies (I can never get enoough of Crate Paper's Farmhouse and Random collections - two of my favourite ever).  Also a big fan of Amy Tangerine and most things Studio Calico!

As I look at these layouts, I realize just how quickly Brendan and Olivia are growing and how quickly time is fleeting.  I am so, so happy that I discovered scrapbooking for that reason only.  I hope they'll look back on their layouts fondly when they've grown and enjoy looking back at their childhoods.  Just the thought of this makes me so pleased....... :)

(Also, when I look at this blog I'm reminded of just how drab and old my header is!!  I've got a few ideas...I'm just missing the time to get there.)

Back soon with more!  (Here's to the work week hopefully flying by!)

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